Grade 2 – Term 3 Activities

Reading: Reading Skills

In this unit, students read the several texts as a class. They developed their skills of retelling a story, making a prediction and making inferences. Students shared their ideas and thoughts by answering comprehension questions about our focus texts. Students were taught to include evidence from the text when making predictions and inferences.


Information Texts

During this unit, students are developing their understanding of non-fiction texts such as picture story books, information reports, videos and poems.
The focus skills taught are:

  • Extracting key information within a text
  • Using dot points to succinctly record information in a plan
  • Recording information in an organised structure
  • Using their dot points to write a report in an organised structure
  • Showing the introduction of a new idea by using paragraphs
  • Using capital letters (including proper nouns) and full stops correctly
  • Experimenting with commas, exclamation and question marks
  • Revising and editing using tools such as a dictionary to check spelling.

6 Traits of Writing

During this unit, students will be visiting and exploring the writing traits of ‘Conventions’ and ‘Ideas’. The focus skills taught are- 

  • upper case letters at the beginning of all sentences and for names. 
  • correct punctuation use throughout a piece of writing, not just at the very end of the piece. 
  • appropriate use of other punctuation marks such as commas, exclamation marks and question marks. 
  • expressing a main message/idea that is clear to the reader and makes sense. 
  • adding detailed information to create a picture in the reader’s mind. 



During this unit students are investigating the chance of an event occurring. The focus skills taught are-

  • Using the words ‘certain’, ‘likely’, ‘unlikely’ and ‘impossible’ to describe certain events.

By the end of this unit the students will be able to classify a list of everyday events according to how likely they are to happen, using the language of chance to explain their reasoning.

Data Representation and Interpretation

During this unit, the students will develop their skills and understanding of data representation and interpretation. They will develop the following-

  • Developing a question that will give an example of categorical data (What is your favourite animal?)
  • Collect data using a simple recording system (ticks, tally sheet).
  • Sorting data based on its’ category (fruits, birthdays).
  • Creating a visual representation of the data collected (pictograph).

By the end of this unit, the students will be able to read, interpret and create simple pictorial graphs.

Inquiry – Indigenous Inquiry Unit

During this unit the students are investigating Indigenous culture and history through exploring the importance of place, beliefs, community and customs of First Nation Peoples. The focus skills and understandings taught are:

  • The local area has significant cultural and historical importance to Indigenous Australians.
  • Culture is about what people believe, value and how they live in a community.
  • Land changes over time and is used in different ways by different cultures.
  • The cultural significance of place/country
  • The meaning behind celebrating NAIDOC week, Acknowledgements of traditional owners/first people and Welcome to Country.
  • Identifying and exploring Indigenous culture, customs, values, beliefs and local