Environmental Science

Welcome to Kitchen Garden and Environmental Science with Miss Heitch. 

Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 – Food

During our gardening sessions, students will explore how plants and animals are grown for food and explore where our food comes from. They will discover the difference between natural and processed foods and they will gain an understanding of the journey food takes from our farms to reach our kitchen table. Students will discuss the problem of food waste and discover the benefits of composting and recycling materials.

Year 3 and Year 4 – Habitat

During this unit, students will explore different habitats and how different living things depend on each other and the environment to survive. Students will gain an understanding of the roles of living things such as producers, consumers and decomposers that are found in different habitats. They will investigate the importance of environments to animals and people, and different views on how they can be protected. Students will also discuss the problem of food waste and discover the benefits of composting and recycling materials.

Year 5 and Year 6 – Climate Change

During this unit, students investigate the issue of climate change and the environment. They examine the impact that they might be having on the environment and discuss the differences between climate and weather. They consider ways that they can reduce their impact and then influence others to make positive changes for a better world. Students will also discuss the problem of food waste and discover the benefits of composting and recycling materials.

Our School Gardens 

All students will continue to help develop and maintain our school’s variety of gardens by assisting with planting, watering, weeding and caring for our vegetables, fruit and na