Foundation – Term 2 Activities


Reading – Re-tell

During this unit, students will develop the ability to retell a story in sequence, both orally and with pictures. The focus questions will be:  

  • What was the setting?
  • Who were the main characters?
  • Was there a problem and if so, what did the main characters experience?
  • What happened first, next, last?
  • How did the story end?

By the end of this unit, students will be able to demonstrate a successful retell.

Letter and Sound Knowledge

During this unit, the students will be learning to recognise the letter symbols, name the letters and hear and say the most common sounds made by the following letters in both upper and lowercase: 

– Yy, Rr, Ee, Qq, Zz, Jj, Uu, Kk, Xx, Ww

By the end of this unit, the students will be confident in recognising the symbol and using the sounds for each of these letters in their reading and writing experiences. 


During this unit the students will be learning about the conventions of writing. They will be working on the following skills: 

  • Using uppercase letters for names and the start of sentences and lowercase for all other representations. 
  • Using finger spaces between the words they are writing. 
  • Using punctuation at the end of sentences. 
  • Representing each sound they can hear with a written symbol.
  • Segmenting the words that they want to write and spelling them phonetically.  
  • Being able to read their own writing back to another person.

By the end of this unit the students will be able to produce a small piece of writing using the correct conventions so that the reader can read and understand what they have written.


Number and Algebra – Addition

During this unit, students will be learning about the following concepts and strategies related to addition: 

  • the language and process of addition and equals
  • the understanding that numbers get bigger when addition is performed 
  • introduction of the symbols + and = 
  • using concrete materials to assist in solving simple and open-ended number problems 
  • worded problems using addition 
  • learning that a problem can be solved in multiple ways

By the end of this unit, students will be able to recognise the language of addition in a worded problem e.g. more than, and, plus, added, equal and use concrete materials to solve simple addition problems.

Social-emotional Learning

During Term 3, students will continue to build on their understanding of how to develop friendships, understand other people’s emotions, celebrate their individuality and manage their own emotions as they develop independence and resilience.