Grade 6 – Term 2 Activities


Wonder Response

During this unit, students will work on paragraph and essay structures as well as their comprehension and opinions of the book, Wonder.  This will involve:
  • Understanding the TEEL paragraph structure (topic sentence, evidence, explanations and linking sentences)
  • Connective words to make complex sentences
  • Formal sentence starters for persuasive text responses
  • Considering common themes within a book
  • Discussing character traits
  • Understanding a variety of techniques an author uses to influence a reader


Persuasive Writing

During this unit, students will be working on developing their skills to persuade others with their writing. This will involve:

  • Considering their viewpoint on a variety of debatable issues
  • Researching facts to back their opinion
  • Using emotive and persuasive language to influence the emotions of the reader
  • Expanding vocabulary through the use of dictionaries, thesauruses, and other authors
  • Understand the importance of each stage of the writing process
  • Analysing writing samples to identify writing techniques
  • Revising for meaning, word choice, organisation and sentence fluency
  • Editing for punctuation and spelling

By the end of the unit students will write a persuasive piece showcasing their ability to create a persuasive text that evokes emotion and change within their reader.

Creating Visualisations

During this unit, students will be working on developing their skills to create visual images and emotion in their writing.  This will involve:

  • Finding ideas to write about
  • Descriptive language to create visual images
  • Emotive language to influence the emotions of the reader
  • Expanding vocabulary through the use of dictionaries, thesauruses, and other authors
  • The importance of each stage of the writing process
  • Analysing writing samples to identify writing techniques
  • Revising for meaning, word choice, organisation and sentence fluency
  • Editing for punctuation and spelling

By the end of the unit students will write an extract showcasing their ability to create a visual image and evoke emotion within their reader.  


Area and Perimeter

In this unit, students will be working towards being able to accurately calculate, convert and use the correct, specific units of measurements for the specific area of focus. 

Focus – perimeter, where students are required to: 

  • make the connection between perimeter and length
  • estimate the perimeter of objects
  • accurately measure and calculate the perimeter of an object
  • calculate the perimeter of regular shapes using a formula Focus – area, where students are required to:
  • understand area involves two dimensions, length and width, therefore representing area as units squared
  • estimate and calculate the area of regular shapes
  • calculate area of composite shapes use a given perimeter to create a variety of areas

Throughout the unit, students will demonstrate their knowledge through regular classwork, short assessment tasks and conferences.  



During production, students will be taught a variety of skills in music, dance, speaking, acting and teamwork. 

By the end of the unit, students will be expected to be able to:

  • Project their voice
  • Speak with expression and characterisation
  • Improvise when required
  • Remain in character, even when in the background
  • Understand the character traits of their character and how to express that through voice and movement
  • Follow choreographed dance steps in time with the music
  • Learn the lyrics and tune to a number of songs
  • Participate respectfully as part of a team
  • Remain respectful both on and off stage
  • Listen to direction and apply feedback to their characterisation
  • Work independently when not on stage
  • Know when their cue is and be ready and silently waiting in the wings when required

Student performance during rehearsals and production will be assessed via the attached rubric.